Me & You / Ja i Ty

 ME and YOU – In search of a new solidarity. To Zabrze, Dom Muzyki i Tańca, ul. gen. de Gaulle’a 17
September 14th – October 25th 2017
an exhibition open day-and-night, admission free
This French-Polish project consists of 80 large-format photographs, taken over a period of more than 30 years around the world by Olivier Föllmi, one of the most prominent representatives of the humanist photography movement, accompanied by 20 information boards featuring texts by such authoritative figures as Pope Francis, the Dalai Lama, Albert Einstein, Father Józef Tischner, and Ryszard Kapuściński. The aim of the exhibition is to encourage us to reflect more deeply on our relationship with the reality surrounding us – with that other, that stranger, Earth and the world of nature – so that we appreciate the common destiny of all people and find a new global solidarity.
Launched in Krakow just after World Youth Days 2016 and now being continued in Zabrze (Silesia), the project “ME and YOU – In search of a new solidarity†is planned as a transnational event. But it’s here, in Poland, that it takes its moral stance, aiming to become a stimulus for dialogue, cross borders and barriers, so as to help make the idea of solidarity and peace a reality.
This exhibition was initiated by Sylvie and Krzysztof Derdacki - curators and organizers of the exhibition and creators of the Art in Action Foundation in Poland.